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Food Diary: No entries

Food Combining

Diet by dividing food into groups


A big advantage of the food combining diet is that you can basically eat almost all foods. You must not give up something. In this theory it is important that you are not allowed to take proteins and carbohydrates together in a meal. Another approach of this form of diet is based on the separation of carbohydrates and fats. The non-scientifically validated theory of food combining based on the fact that co-digestion of proteins and carbohydrates leads to disturbances in metabolism. Because different enzymes are needed to cleave the various nutrients, the digestion is slower and leads to fermentation processes. It is important to note to rest at least three hours between the meals. In addition, the acid-base balance in the body is to be regulated by a right combination of foods.


A balanced diet as part of a food combining diet is quite possible in the long term, because you do not have to abdicate certain nutrients. Criticism of this diet often refers to the fact that the effect is not scientifically proven. A weight loss is to be expected only by the separation of the nutrient groups without regard to the daily energy intake. Especially since a healthy person can digest carbohydrates and proteins simultaneously. A variety of foods contain by nature both carbohydrates and proteins. This raises the question, how useful the not quite uncomplicated consequent separation of proteins and carbohydrates actually is.

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