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Food Diary: No entries

Calorific value

Energy in food


The energy value of a food indicates how much energy the human body can gain through metabolism. The energy value is specified in kilojoules (kJ) per 100 g or 100 ml. In addition, the specification is often in kilocalories (kcal) . indicates both values.

The total energy value of a food product results from the addition of the energy content of each nutrient components. These are defined as follows:

1 g fat 37 kJ (9 kcal)
1 g carbohydrates 17 kJ (4 kcal)
1 g protein 17 kJ (4 kcal)
1 g alcohol (ethanol) 29 kJ (7 kcal)
1 g polyhydric alcohols (polyols) 10 kJ (2.4 kcal)
1 g dietary fibre 8 kJ (2 kcal)


For example, fat has a higher calorific value than the same amount of carbohydrates.

Calorific value details shows the proportion of nutrients on the calorific value in a small graphic.

Example: 5% of the calorific value for the product is made up by fat in the adjoining chart.

Notice: Fddb does not show this chart for products that contain 100 percent of fat or carbohydrates.

More information

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» Body Mass Index
» Daily Calorie Intake
» Calorific value

Talk to a doctor or nutrition expert before changing your eating habits.

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