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Sports and exercise

Sports and exercise


Lack of exercise is a major factor of obesity and the associated health risks. While our ancestors necessarily had to move a lot, for example, to cover routes and to procure food, nowadays everyday life is much more convenient. An adequate food supply in combination with mostly sedentary work promotes the development of fat deposits.

But even those who are not overweight should exercise regularly. Sport strengthens the cardiovascular system, is good for the mind and reduces stress. Even 20 minutes a day are sufficient. It may not always be the visit at the gym. If you integrate sports into everyday life, such as to commute to work by bike instead of drive a car, it is often easier to stay consistent.

Sport is not only important for the health and general well-being, but an effective component for any successful weight loss attempt. The daily requirement is increased by the additional physical activities. Due to the increased calorie consumption and associated increased energy demand the body requires more food. This is a great way to treat yourself to a little enjoyment now and then without feeling guilty. Half an hour swimming or cycling consumes about 300 kcal depending on your weight and intensity of execution. This effect is not for a short time. With regular exercise, the metabolism is boosted over the long term by increasing muscle mass.

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