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Food Diary: No entries

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Producer - 2042 Products

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Grilled chicken, with skinwith photo
Turkey cordon bleuwith photo
Pig ears, raw
Bacon cubes, mildly smoked
Black Forest Schäufele smokedwith photo
Veal, steak shankwith photo
Turkey mini steak
Kiyma , Dana
Pork in its own juice,
with photo
panchetta spar
pork loin steak seasonedwith photo
Canned beef , Beef
Chicken breast fillet barbecue marinatedwith photo
Meatballs with parmesan
roasted chicken breast fillet
Beef steak/ meat (medium fat)with photo
pork rinds, cooked
Chicken thighs
Chicken Cordon Bleu
sweet and sour pork tang su yuk
Abruzzo style salami
Pulled pork sub
pigs bulgogi
Veal cheeks
Beef fat, raw
Chicken inner breast fillet skewer,
tomato yogurt

Kylling grilled, chicken
Beef neck roasted
Veal sausage
Chicken breast steaks marinatedwith photo
galbi jjim
Pork tenderloin
Beef rump steak
AIA aequilibrium
Crested roastwith photo
Beef rump steak

Deer roastwith photo
Minced beef fresh
Pork shoulder lean - cooked,
as a roast or in soup

djuvic rice
Liver loaf roll with 100 gr. liver loafwith photo
Pork loinwith photo
Kiyma , Danawith photo
Dana Eti Az Yagli (Beef lean) ,
with photo
Jamies Chilli con Carne,

Chicken cutlet dark
Chicken legs, poultry
Kebab salad
Beefwith photo
Kebab meat poulet from Growa Bellach,

Govedi Prsutwith photo
Minced meat cookedwith photo
Chicken escalope breaded
Turkey breast fillet Aldi roasted
Minced meat mixed 50%with photo
Turkey stomach
Pointed leg
Fresh rump steaks
yang nyeom chicken korean
Iskender Kebab
Tantuniwith photo
Roast chicken liver fresh
Beef steak (medium fat) fresh
Apenzeller Mostbröckli,

Lamb - cutlet (according to DGE values)
Salmon v pork, pork
Pig's foot
rigamonti carpaccio di bresaolawith photo
Pork tongue smoked & cooked
Fillet steak fried
Spanish dried meat ,

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Fddb does not produce or sell food products. Contact the producer to obtain complete information.