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Food Diary: No entries

Migros Bio

Producer - 180 Products

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Spiralen Pasta
V-Love Plant-Based Kokos Drink Nature,
ohne Milch/Laktose
with photo
Radieschensprossen, Bio
Salsa Picante Tomatensauce,
with photo
BIO Bündnerfleischwith photo
Aufschnitt Delicatess (pork/beef)
Blutorangen Biowith photo
Kalbfleisch gschnetzelt
Cornflakeswith photo
Rindshackfleischwith photo
SalatSpinatwith photo
butterwith photo
Vollkorn Penne Pastawith photo
bio Potatoeswith photo
bio cottage cheesewith photo
Bio Kartoffelbrötchen
geräucherter Tofu
Tortelloni ricotta e spinaciwith photo
Bio Möckli Rindwith photo
Spaghettini, Aus Vollkornhartweizengriesswith photo
yogourt bio migros vanille
Rindshackfleisch Biowith photo
Eisbergsalatwith photo
Passata di Pomodoro
Gold Leinsamenwith photo
Kürbiskernewith photo
Datteln, entsteint
Appenzeller, Mild-Würzigwith photo
Haselnüsse gemahlen
fusilli pasta, vollkornwith photo
Ofen Frites
Dinkel, Biowith photo
Migros Bio - Porridge Beerenwith photo
Migros Linsensalat
Bio Rispentomatenwith photo
Sauerkraut, Biowith photo
Flakes & Pops, Dinkel & Buchweizen
Salsa Cinque Piwith photo
Müesli, Dinkelmischung

Bio Cottage Cheesewith photo
Sonnenkranz, Biowith photo
Bio Vollmilch, min. 3,5% Fettwith photo
Mozzarella gewürfelt,
with photo
Kürbissuppe, mit Kokoswith photo
Bio Naturjoghurt
früchte muesliwith photo
Past Drink Milchwith photo
Aprikosen Konfitürewith photo
Fetawith photo
bio patatli (with skin)with photo
bio-Eierwith photo
Blütenhonig flüssigwith photo
Kürbiskernewith photo
Bio Avocado
Eierwith photo
Kirschen Fruchtaufstrich,

Bio Bürli
Wallnusskernewith photo
linsen grünwith photo
Bio Rauchlachs, geschnittenwith photo
Bio Weide Beef Burger,
with photo
Bio veganes Geschnetzeltes
orange carrot agave & lemon juicewith photo
Le Gruyère, Rezent
Yogourt nature bioSuissewith photo
Sugo Pomodorowith photo
Cornette du luteur complète
Tofu, Thymian & Zitronenaroma
UHT Vollmilchwith photo
Pizzateig, Betti Bossywith photo
Colrave, chou-rave, cruwith photo
Vollmilch - Migros Biowith photo
Bio Vollmilch laktosefreiwith photo
Bio-Kastanien, geschält und gekochtwith photo

Leinsamen geschrotet
Café de céréaleswith photo
Seidentofu, nature

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