Ernährungstagebuch: Keine Einträge

LC Tempeh Hackfleischbällchen

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LC Tempeh Hackfleischbällchen

250 g Tempeh cubed
30 g Red onion finely chopped
2 Garlic crushed
10 g Parsley fresh, finely chopped
6 Mint leaves , finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon Dried oregano
3/4 teaspoon Salt
2 tablespoon Olive oil or any vegetable oil
60 ml Vegetable stock
15 g Tomato paste
30 g Chickpea flour see note for options

In a food processor using the S blade attachment, add all the meatballs ingredients except the chickpea flour!
Blend on high speed for 20 seconds or until the tempeh starts to turn into a paste but you still have bites or food.
Stop the food processor, scrape down the side of the bowl and add the chickpea flour. Blend on high speed for 10-15 seconds to combine. Don't overdo it, this will keep some tiny bites of food and give more texture to the meatballs. Don't worry, the recipe will work too if you blend for too long, you will simply lose some texture. Otherwise, you can also transfer the meatball batter in a mixing bowl and stir in the chickpea flour with a spoon.
Take one tablespoon of meatball batt

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Brennwert: 4999 KJ (1194 kcal)
Dieses Rezept ergibt: 1 Portion

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