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Calorie table for vegetables


getrocknetes Gemüse | Uploaded by: Thomas Bohlmann» dried vegetables (13)
Noch kein Foto | Uploaded by: Fddb» Salad (151)
Sprossen | Uploaded by: Thomas Bohlmann» Sprouts (14)
Pilze | Uploaded by: Thomas Bohlmann» Fungi (26)
Soja | Uploaded by: Thomas Bohlmann» Soy products (26)
Kein Bild | Uploaded by: Fddb» Tinned vegetables (42)


Average value (55), Diverse (4), Natural product (306), Restaurant (10), Selfmade (16)

Products sorted by producers

acorn squash, acron
Aloe vera gel freshwith photo
Artichoke, cookedwith photo
Asparagus, green freshPopular productwith photo
Asparagus white, freshwith photo
Aubergine / Eggplant, freshly boiledwith photo
Beans, green, rawwith photo
Beer radishwith photo
Beetroot, rawwith photo
Bell pepper, yellowwith photo
Bishop cap / Turkish turban / cap pumpkinwith photo
Black salsify cooked
Boiled potatoes in the skinwith photo
Broad beans (field beans, broad beans)with photo
Broccoli, uncookedPopular productwith photo
BrokkoliPopular productwith photo
Brussels Sproutswith photo
Bulbous Grayling
Burdock, Gobo
Bush beanswith photo
Butternut squash, cookedwith photo
Carnival squash pumpkinwith photo
Carrot, freshPopular productwith photo
Carrot greenswith photo
Carrots, boiledwith photo
Carrots 'Purple Haze', purplewith photo
Carrots steamedwith photo
Cassavawith photo
Cauliflower, freshly cooked (University of Hohenheim)
Cauliflower, boiledwith photo
Celeriac, freshwith photo
Celery, freshwith photo
Celery / celery stalks, cooked (University of Hohenheim)
Chard, freshwith photo
Cherry Date TomatoPopular productwith photo
Cherry tomatoesPopular productwith photo
cherry tomatoeswith photo
Chicory, steamedwith photo
Chicory, rawwith photo
Chinese cucumberwith photo
Cocktail tomatoes, redwith photo
Collard greens
Cos lettucewith photo
Cucumber, freshPopular productwith photo
Cut garlic allium tuberosumwith photo
Dandelionwith photo
Delicata pumpkin, squashwith photo
Endive, freshwith photo
Fennel, freshly boiledwith photo
Flower Sproutswith photo
Garlic, freshPopular productwith photo
Gorgonzola pumpkinwith photo
Green beanswith photo
Green onion / Spring onion, freshPopular productwith photo
Hokkaido pumpkin, freshPopular productwith photo
Horseradishwith photo
Indian spinach
Jalapeño pepperwith photo
Jaroma® cabbage
Jicama (yam bean root)
Kalamata olives, In citric acid
Kenya beans
Kohlrabi, boiledwith photo
Kohlrabi leaveswith photo
Kumato tomato, freshwith photo
Leek, rawPopular productwith photo
Long beans / Asparagus beans
Lotus root, raw
Lupine seeds kernels dried
Mangel, freshly boiledwith photo
May turnip, freshwith photo
Mild Onions
Mini peppers, Sweet
Mloukhiya, Muskweedwith photo
Mu-Err mushrooms, fresh
Mung beanswith photo
New Zealand spinachwith photo
Onions, boiledwith photo
Palm kalewith photo
Parsley Root, rawwith photo
Parsnip, cooked (University of Hohenheim)
Pearl onion rawwith photo
Pepper, greenPopular productwith photo
Pepper, redPopular productwith photo
Phak Kwang Tung (water spinach)
Pickleswith photo
Plantain, rawwith photo
Pointed cabbagePopular productwith photo
Pointed pepper, yellowwith photo
potato, rawPopular productwith photo
Potato (boiled)with photo
Potato red, freshwith photo
Potatoes, cooked+cold (resistant starch)with photo
Princess beans, vegetableswith photo
Pumpkin, Baby Bear (raw)
Pumpkin butternut cookedwith photo
quay lan
Quinoawith photo
Radish, freshPopular productwith photo
Radishwith photo
Radish white, mildwith photo
Red beans, cooked
Red cabbage, freshPopular productwith photo
Red cabbage, freshly cooked (University of Hohenheim)
Red pepper, boiledwith photo
Roast pepperswith photo
Runner Bean, green, rawwith photo
Sarma cabbage pickled, spicy
Savoy cabbage, steamedwith photo
Savoy cabbage, freshwith photo
ScallionPopular productwith photo
Sea Asparaguswith photo
Sorrelwith photo
Spinach, freshPopular productwith photo
Spirulina powder organic
Steamed vegetables, Carrots, sweetcorn, broccoli
Stemmuswith photo
Stir fry vegetables, glass noodles
Sugar beet
Sunchoke, freshwith photo
Sweet bell pepper, green
Sweet bell pepper red fresh
Sweet corn, uncookedwith photo
Sweet corn, cookedwith photo
Sweet potato, dried
Sweet potato (boiled)with photo
Sweet potato leaves, raw
Taro, rawwith photo
Thai eggplant
Tomato, yellowwith photo
Tomatoe, boiledwith photo
Triplets, potatoeswith photo
Turnip Stalkwith photo
Turnips, cooked
Vegetable stickswith photo
Vine leaveswith photo
Vitelotte, purple potatoeswith photo
Wasabi, root, freshwith photo
Watercress, freshwith photo
White beet, rawwith photo
White cabbage, cookedwith photo
White cabbage, rawPopular productwith photo
White mustard (leaves)
Yacon root freshwith photo
Yellow carrotwith photo
Zucchini , boiledwith photo
Zucchini flower zucchini flower,

Zucchini, Zucchetti, yellow, freshwith photo

Alfalfa sprouts, freshwith photo
Artichoke, freshwith photo
Asparagus, cookedwith photo
Asparagus green, boiledwith photo
Aubergine, freshPopular productwith photo
Baby Plum Tomatoeswith photo
Beans Cocowith photo
Beet leaveswith photo
Beetroot / Beet, boiledPopular productwith photo
Bimiwith photo
Black radish, freshwith photo
Bobby beanswith photo
Broad beans, freshwith photo
Broccoflower, rawwith photo
Broccoli, boiledPopular productwith photo
Broccolo romanescowith photo
Brussel sprout, freshPopular productwith photo
Brussels sprouts, boiledwith photo
Bulls Heart-Tomatowith photo
Bush beans, beans
Butternut Squash, rawPopular productwith photo
Button squash (pumpkin), freshwith photo
Carrotwith photo
Carrot, freshly cooked (University of Hohenheim)
Carrot (Carrot)
Carrot greens, parsley
Carrots, rawPopular product
Carrots (raw)with photo
Cassavawith photo
Catalogna , Cicoria Asparago (Cichorium intybus)with photo
Cauliflower, freshPopular productwith photo
CeleriacPopular productwith photo
Celeriac, cooked (University of Hohenheim)
Celery, rawPopular productwith photo
Chayotewith photo
Cherry date tomatoes, sweetwith photo
Cherry tomatoes, sweetwith photo
Chestnut, rawwith photo
Chili pepper, freshwith photo
Chives, rawwith photo
Cocktail tomatoes yellow, freshwith photo
Corn cobs
Country cucumber freshwith photo
Cucumber, fresh
Date tomatoeswith photo
Emperor asparagus, heirloom asparagus
Fennel, rawPopular productwith photo
Field beans
French beans (snap beans) freshwith photo
Gem squash, pumpkin
Green beans, boiledwith photo
Green beans, boiledwith photo
Hamburg parsley, freshwith photo
Hokkaido pumpkin, cookedwith photo
Jalapeno, greenwith photo
Jalapenos, freshwith photo
Jerusalem artichoke boiledwith photo
Kale, rawPopular productwith photo
Kidney beans, fresh
Kohlrabi, freshPopular productwith photo
Leek, boiledwith photo
Lettuce, freshPopular productwith photo
Lotus Root
Lupine seeds cookedwith photo
Mallow leaves, mallow
Marrow cabbage
May turnip, freshwith photo
Mini corn raw
Mini tomatoes on the vine, freshwith photo
Moyashi sprouts
Mung bean sprouts, freshwith photo
Musquee de Provence pumpkin, freshwith photo
Okra, freshwith photo
Olives, blackwith photo
Onion, rawPopular productwith photo
Pak-Choi, freshwith photo
Paprika, yellowPopular productwith photo
Parsnip, freshwith photo
Pea dried
Peas, green, freshwith photo
Pepper, orangewith photo
Pickled cucumberswith photo
Plantago, raw
Plantain plantain ripe raw, sweet
Pointed pepper, redwith photo
Pointed Peppers
Potato, boiled, with skinPopular productwith photo
Potato boiled
Potatoes, boiled, without skinPopular productwith photo
Primal Carrotwith photo
Pumpkin, cookedwith photo
Pumpkin, rawwith photo
Pumpkin Sweet Dumplingwith photo
Quellerwith photo
Radicchio, freshwith photo
Radishwith photo
Radish leaveswith photo
Ramson, freshwith photo
Red cabbage, raw
Red cabbage, cookedwith photo
Red onion, freshPopular productwith photo
Rhubarb, rawwith photo
Rutabaga, rawwith photo
Sauerkraut, rawPopular productwith photo
Savoy Cabbage
Scalded cucumberswith photo
Scorzonerawith photo
Shallot, freshwith photo
Spaghetti squashwith photo
Spinach, cookedwith photo
Spring onions
Stem cabbage
Stinging nettle, freshwith photo
String beanwith photo
Sugar snaps, fresh
Swedewith photo
Sweet bell pepper, red
Sweet corn, freshwith photo
Sweet corn freshly boiled, whole corn cobwith photo
Sweet onionwith photo
Sweet potato, sweet
Sweet potato boiled, without skinwith photo
Sweetheart Cabbage, freshwith photo
Teltower turnip, rawwith photo
Tomatillowith photo
Tomato, freshPopular productwith photo
Tomatoes, freshly cooked (University of Hohenheim)with photo
Turmeric root freshwith photo
Turnip, cookedwith photo
Turnip/rutabaga, cooked
Vegetable onionwith photo
Vegetables in general
Vine tomatoeswith photo
Wakame, fresh
Water chestnuts
Wax beans, yellow, cookedwith photo
White cabbage, raw
White cabbage, stewedwith photo
White icicleswith photo
Wild mushrooms, freshwith photo
Yamwith photo
Zucchini, green
Zucchini baked, zucchiniwith photo
Zucchini, Zucchetti, green, freshPopular productwith photo
Zuccini, vegetablePopular productwith photo

TOMATEN, frisch, natur, rot | Uploaded by: JuliFisch

TOMATEN, frisch, natur, rot | Uploaded by: JuliFisch

Most popular in this group

Tomato, fresh
Carrot, fresh
Zucchini, Zucchetti, green, fresh
Cucumber, fresh
Onion, raw
Garlic, fresh

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